It took billion of years to collect the debris floating in circle around the Sun. It took some more billions to diffuse and coalescence the debris into a collective mass and temper the mass with immense solar radiation. The spherical shape of the earth with majority of area submerged in water might also have been a very slow process. Putting the earth in one of the most scientifically correct elliptical path around the Sun stuns the imagination of scientist. A small distance nearer to the Sun might have been quite hot for living organism to prosper. A slender distance apart would have invited sub zero temperature uncongenial to flora and fauna. Perfectly environmentally safe earth was handed over to the most intelligent being on the earth to carry it forward to the dreamt paradise.
The earth was environmentally safe for the most part of its history of the past. It was some centuries ago, that it started fearing its future to be imperfect. Contributing attributes were the greed and selfishness that converted the most coveted industrial revolution to a dreaded cutthroat competition. The arts and science of constructive creativity inherited from the universal activity and natural processes was put to destructive inventions and hazardous processes. Onset of the 21st.century saw the earth to be environmentally unsafe. We are but an integrated minuscule fraction of earth entirety caught doing activities which are not environmentally safe.
There is a universal truth. That who knows to undo, also knows to do. That who ties a knot also knows how to untie the knot. This is the test of intelligence, ingenuity and wisdom. We are much more than that. We have taken up a path which would lead to an environmentally safe future.
We know how to differentiate our misdeeds .We also know how to integrate benefactions to make the earth environmentally safe. We are differentiating various carbon footprints of greenhouse gases emissions. We are also integrating minute activities that are pivotal to a low carbon economy having a minimum output of greenhouse gases. We are opting for organics and distancing ourselves from synthetic.
Greedy and selfish as we are, we have known that the cheapest raw material to convert into gainful finished byproduct and finished product is the existing waste resources. Pollution load is the signature of wasted raw materials. Efficient manufacturing and working processes means zero emission and zero effluent discharge.
Renewable energy has opened up a flood gate towards achieving a sustainable environment. These unending resources of energy is the cheapest to have after we master the technology through research and development.
We are in the process of pledging ourselves for being environmentally safe.
Good one.