Technology is the knowledge applied to use tools, techniques, systems, crafts or method of organization. Technology includes all tools, machines, utensils, instruments, weapons, housing, clothing, communicating and transporting devices and the skill by which we produce and use them. It is an end result of science and engineering.
Technology that is environment friendly is termed as green technology. Green technology is based on material science and may be divided into two groups. The first are those that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or give an alternative to it to deal with global warming. The other is those that help in sustainable growth by way of recycling, resources reduction and conservation. Fuel cell has shown the ability to satisfy both the aspects. It decreases the greenhouse gases by eliminating air pollution from the automobiles and also reduces the amount of hydrocarbon based fuel.
Every product made for commercial exploitation is given a R&D budget. This cost is then spread over a period of time. After the break even period, the profit starts showing. R&D budget for implementing green technology may be a little higher but the end profit would be very large. The costlier raw material in the form of ore, minerals and other natural resources get tapered down. Simultaneously, intermediate wastes, final waste, municipal waste, market scraps and various others spent out objects takes the place of conventional raw material. Such raw material does not need intial effort of dressing, beneficiation or processing to add to the pipeline ending in finished products. The saving is immense as such raw materials is available at zero or throw away cost.
We are witnessing emergence of new products that satisfy the definition of green technology acting as torch bearers of future industrial revolution.
Discarded plastic bottles have been a real irritant snaring us as a roadside hording against efforts to make the earth a better place to live and let live through environmental up gradation. Now such bottles are being combined with soil to make porous cement which would be used as a construction material in the future. Production of such cement takes less energy than producing the same amount of cement from lime, slag and other materials. Moreover, plastisoil as it would be called, would result in a concrete surface that would let the storm water filter through it. Research is in progress to see whether such cement could also filter oily pollutants from the runoff.
There are bio-based air purification systems eager to enter the market. These filters remove volatile organic compounds from a building and replenish much needed oxygen into the building space. Application of phytoremediation further fills the space with pleasing fragrance of green.
Phytoremediation and bioremediation are technologies for upgrading contaminated soil and water. These methods can be used to replace conventional ways of incineration and landfill which give no guarantee against leaching of toxic remnants into the ground water system.
A technology has been developed by which sugar in plants is converted into petroleum alternative and many other chemicals using genetically engineered e.coli bacteria.
Power meter Web application developed by Google can track home electricity from a PC or Smartphone with a Wi-Fi and broadband connection. One can access real time electricity use and create a budget for home electricity consumption. This PowerCost Monitor shares efficiency tips, predict costs and comes with an electricity meter sensor, energy display and a Wi-Fi Gateway.
Efforts are on way to recall all toxic toys from the market. Now toys are being manufactured by recycling plastic bottles. Same technology has been used to fabricate cloth for making sportswear; most prominently is those being used by Cricket India.
There is a clear indication that the public awareness shall divert all material based technological efforts towards green technology. Several countries have put up incentives and subsidies for such endeavor.
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